Scouts NSW partners with Heart of the Nation to install 23 Automated External Defibrillators

Published Mon 16 Oct 2023

More than 20 Scout Halls across NSW will soon have defibrillators as part of a new partnership between Scouts NSW and Heart of the Nation.

Scouts NSW Chief Commissioner Lloyd Nurthen and Heart of the Nation CEO and Founder Greg Page announced the partnership as part of Restart a Heart Day on Monday 16 October. 

Mr Nurthen said Scouts will “Be Prepared” to step up and save a life in the event of an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. 

“By providing life-saving equipment across local Scout Halls in NSW, we will be empowering not only our members but local communities to save lives,” he said. 

“Our volunteers already undertake first aid training and will be provided with guidance on using the new defibrillators. 

“Our youth members, ranging in age from five to 25, will also learn how to use the devices.” 

Heart of the Nation was established in 2020 by OG Yellow Wiggle Greg Page to increase survival rates of cardiac arrest. 

Page suffered a cardiac arrest at a Wiggles reunion show that was raising funds for bushfire relief efforts and was saved through the use of a defibrillator. 

“Heart of the Nation seeks to lead change through education, training and access to AEDs within one minute at all locations across the country,” he said. 

“The devices are placed in accessible, prominent locations and are fitted with GPS tracking. 

“The addition of defibrillators at Scout Halls will ensure every Scout Hall is a safe haven ready to respond at times of need.” 

Expressions of interest to determine the best locations for the installation of the defibrillator have closed.

Why are we supporting AEDs?

  • Nine in 10 people will not survive an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest
  • Every year about 30,000 Australians and New Zealanders suffer an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest
  • Every minute a patient is in cardiac arrest, not receiving CPR or AED shock, chances of survival drop by 10 per cent
  • Use of an AED within the first three minutes of a cardiac arrest improves life-saving outcomes of patients from 10 per cent up to 70 per cent
  • Anyone, including an eight-year-old child, can operate an AED. These devices are equipped with vocal instructions and may also include visual aids to guide users through the usage process
  • An AED will only deliver a shock to the patient if they require it.



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