Annual Review

Scouts NSW releases its Annual Review in conjunction with its AGM each July.

2023-24 Annual Review
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For previous years reports, click below. 



Our Impact – The Scouting Effect

Scouting builds resilience for life.

At Scouts, we empower young people to make decisions, take the lead and learn by doing. We give them a safe space where they can work with others to plan and embark on their own adventures, indoors and out. By building resilience in young people, we are empowering them to be able to learn from their mistakes and to understand that failing is okay – it’s an integral part of the learning journey.

Scouts Australia partnered with Resilient Youth Australia to explore the impact of Scouting on young Australians. The findings show that young people participating in Scouts demonstrate higher levels of resilience when compared to their non-Scouting peers, and this is consistent across a number of elements of resilience, including Positive Relationships, Social Skills, Understanding Self, Safe, Healthy Mind and Body, Positive Learners, Positive Identity, Positive Values and Positive Contribution.

And that’s not all – the Resilience Survey also revealed that Scouts report to have an overall better life satisfaction than their peers, and that the longer they stay in Scouts the more resilient they are likely to be.

The Scouting Effect Resilience Survey


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Download the Key Findings


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