Find new challenges with volunteer roles through Scouts NSW

Published Tue 16 Jan 2024

Scouts NSW volunteers are known for sharing their passion and experience with others.

New opportunities are now available for all adult volunteers to stay connected to the Scouts organisation they love and give back in a fun new way!


Older Venturer and Rover Scouts who might be looking for a new adventure or challenge as they transition out of the Youth Program are also encouraged to apply for the diverse range of opportunities.

Find out more about our volunteer opportunities here

Our State Team and Activity Centres have some amazing volunteer roles available for enthusiastic and dedicated individuals.


What's available?

There's a variety of roles within the Front Line Strategy portfolio within both Program and Adventure. Deputy Chief Commissioner – Front Line Strategy Niamh Hitchman and Assistant Chief Commissioner – Adventure Kenton Jurgs are looking for keen volunteers to help support the successful delivery of our youth Program and take youth members on some adventurous activities throughout Scouts NSW.


  • Deputy Assistant Chief Commissioner Program
  • Deputy Assistant Chief Commissioner Program Support
  • State Commissioner Joey Scouts
  • State Commissioner Cub Scouts
  • State Commissioner Scouts
  • State Commissioner Venturer Scouts
  • JOTA-JOTI Coordinator




  • State Commissioner Adventure Training
  • State Commissioner Water Adventure
  • Assistant State Commissioner Horse Riding Adventure
  • Assistant State Commissioner Pioneering Adventure
  • Assistant State Commissioner Adventure Communications
  • Assistant State Commissioner Adventure Finance
  • Assistant State Commissioner Climbing Adventures



Air Activities Centre

The Air Activity Centre is looking for volunteers for the Ground Activities Team to help with providing activity weekends. The centre welcomes volunteers both with and without specialist skills and experience – a love for aviation and working with a team is enough!

Find out more


Water Activities Centre

If being out on the water is more your thing, then the Scouts Water Activities Centre (SWASH) is for you. Canoeing or sailing qualifications are a must, or having your power boat licence, with training able to be arranged if necessary. The centre is always looking for new Activity Leaders keen to share their experience.

Find out more



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